martes, abril 07, 2009


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Quiromassage is a group of techniques applied to ease any kind of muscular pain, be it tensions, energetic blockade or lack of tonus. It is used as a complement to other types of therapies (acupuncture, homeopathy, etc.) Using this therapy for muscular tensions also helps unblock energetic lines (acupuncture meridians) and joints; this improves the drainage of liquids (lymph – blood) and the function of the organs.
Reflexology is a widely-tested theory which acknowledges the existence of a micro-connection of the nervous and the lymphatic systems with many specific points on the body. These areas, where the reflex zones of each part of the body are located, are known as “micro reflex zones”. The aim of the reflexology is to obtain a healthy reaction of the organs by stimulating the respective micro-reflex, thus establishing a natural balance of energy and the harmonic functionality of the whole body.
Reiki is another alternative way to cure the body. Reiki is a Japanese word: Rei: universal, this refers to the spiritual part, the energetic cosmic essence which penetrates and surrounds everything. Ki: is the Individual Vital Energy which surrounds our bodies, keeping us alive.
It is an energy that flows through all organisms. Reiki is Light-Energy and is used to recover and maintain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. It’s a natural method which helps us find balance, restore, improve and cure our bodies, thus establishing a harmonic state.
Reiki eliminates tensions, improves our physiological functions and fitness, and it speeds up our natural ability to recover. Producing an external and internal balance and state of well-being, it improves our mental clarity, leads to a positive attitude and creates better human relations. The energy called Reiki in not manipulating and no massage is applied; this type of practice is realized only by laying hands on the body so energy flows to the patient with the intensity and quality he needs. People who work with this kind of therapy don’t do anything more than direct energy which is provided by the universe in unlimited amounts.

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